Mangrove + the 1st/Central Metro Regional Connector station
The 1st/Central Metro Regional Connector station site and Mangrove are two of the three pieces of public land in the SLT Community Vision. After releasing their selected developer in 2020 due to community concerns, the City of Los Angeles and Metro agreed in 2021 on a joint development process for both parcels of land, as a partnership between the agencies. LTCC is working closely with our City partners on this new process, which will include a 2-step RFP process on the development.
Updates regarding this project will be made at the following meetings:
LTCC Planning & Cultural Preservation Committee
LTCC General Meeting
For LTCC meeting information, please reference our meeting schedule or contact Kristin at kristin@littletokyola.org
Kristin Fukushima
Sustainable Little Tokyo is a community-driven initiative working to ensure a healthy, equitable, and culturally rich Little Tokyo for generations to come.
After pushing Metro to release the contracted developer in 2020, Metro is now working with the City and the Little Tokyo Community to develop the two parcels in tandem.
LTCC Project Folder with visions and updates
4th/Central Cold Storage
The 4th and Central project is a large development being proposed at the edge of Little Tokyo. It covers 7.5 acres and will be mixed use, with 10 buildings ranging in size from 6 to 44 stories tall.
Updates regarding this project will be made at the following meetings:
LTCC Planning & Cultural Preservation Committee
LTCC General Meeting
For LTCC meeting information, please reference our meeting schedule or contact Kristin at kristin@littletokyola.org
Jeff Liu
My First Street North (#MYFSN)
Located behind Japanese American National Museum, Far Bar, Fugetsu-Do, and more, First Street North is one of the last 3 remaining pieces of land that can be controlled by the community. LTCC and SLT worked with our councilmember & community to get community control of First Street North so that it could be developed for and by Little Tokyo! This project is expected to break ground in early 2024, developed by our friends at the Little Tokyo Service Center and the Go For Broke National Education Center.
Celeste Shimoura Goedert, Project Director, Sustainable Little Tokyo
For more information on My First Street North, to sign the petition, and more, visit the Sustainable Little Tokyo website.
West Santa Ana Branch Transit Line
Metro is proposing a new train line to come through Little Tokyo, starting in Artesia and terminating at Union Station. After pressure from LTCC and the Little Tokyo community, Metro has moved the project to be completely underground through Little Tokyo, traveling underneath Alameda with a proposed stop at 2nd/Alameda. In 2024, the Metro staff will return with their report and recommendations.
Updates regarding this project will be made at the following meetings:
LTCC Planning & Cultural Preservation Committee
LTCC General Meeting
For LTCC meeting information, please reference our meeting schedule or contact Kristin at kristin@littletokyola.org
Sustainable Little Tokyo Revisioning
SLT has updated our Community Vision 2013 for what we want built on the First Street North (FSN) and Mangrove blocks—the last remaining pieces of publicly-owned land in Little Tokyo! We have learned a lot over the past 7 years, and it's time to expand our vision for a culturally, economically, and environmentally sustainable Little Tokyo for future generations!
Celeste Shimoura Goedert, Project Director, Sustainable Little Tokyo
Sustainable Little Tokyo is a community-driven initiative working to ensure a healthy, equitable, and culturally rich Little Tokyo for generations to come.
Toriumi Plaza
SLT has received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to embark on a community-engaged, arts-based visioning process for the future of Toriumi Plaza. The hope is to create a new, welcoming space that provides much needed community open space for activations, events, and more. The community engagement will begin in 2024.
Celeste Shimoura Goedert, Project Director, Sustainable Little Tokyo
Sustainable Little Tokyo is a community-driven initiative working to ensure a healthy, equitable, and culturally rich Little Tokyo for generations to come.
Sustainable Little Tokyo
Sustainable Little Tokyo is a community-driven initiative working to ensure a healthy, equitable, and culturally rich Little Tokyo for generations to come. SLT began in 2013 as a multi-day community vision effort and has evolved into a holistic, neighborhood-wide campaign to promote the environmental, economic, and cultural sustainability of Little Tokyo.
Celeste Shimoura Goedert, Project Director, Sustainable Little Tokyo
For more information on Sustainable Little Tokyo visit the official website.
Go Little Tokyo
A one-stop shop for the Little Tokyo events calendar, self-guided tours, parking, directions, and more! Go Little Tokyo is LTCC's community marketing campaign funded by Metro to promote the neighborhood and mitigate construction impacts from the Metro Regional Connector.
Kisa Ito, Project Director, Go Little Tokyo
For more information visit the Go Little Tokyo about page.
Little Tokyo Festa
Little Tokyo Festa (LT Festa) is an event organized by ARMY for ARMY, 100% volunteer-led, to celebrate the debut anniversary of BTS and support local Asian American and other small businesses in the 138-year-old historic Little Tokyo neighborhood. LT Festa was hosted in June 2021 and July 2022, and hopefully will make a reappearance when Bangtan reunites in 2025 💜.
Haunted Little Tokyo
Ghouls, ghosts, and goblins of all ages are invited to experience Little Tokyo like never before for Haunted Little Tokyo! Since 2017, Haunted Little Tokyo has brought Halloween festivities including pumpkin patches, ghostly games, Japanese yurei, free movie screenings, ‘haunted’ walking tours, and an annual frightfully-fun block party to the neighborhood. In 2024, the Haunted Little Tokyo Block Party will be on Saturday, October 26, with other activities TBA.
Haunted Little Tokyo Committee
James Choi, james@cafedulce.co
For more information visit the Haunted Little Tokyo page.
Regional Connector Community Celebration
In celebration of the opening of the Metro Regional Connector Little Tokyo / Arts District Station and in partnership with Metro + Tuesday Night Project, the Community Celebration was hosted in September 2023. Visitors participated in walking tours, hosted workshops, and a special live performance featuring local community artists. Little Tokyo is accessible via Metro on the new E line!
Learn about the events and activations at the Regional Connector Community Celebration page.
Continuing Projects
LTCC is constantly working on a number of projects. Here is just some of what we are currently working on. To get involved or learn more, email info@littletokyola.org, or attend a meeting!
New Developments: Public, private & community projects including Cold Storage and more
Street Improvements: Vision Zero, Metro TIGER Grant & Active Transportation Project
Public Art: Little Tokyo Towers Mural, FSN development’s public art, 2nd/Alameda ATP Public Art
Community Protocols: CUP Protocol, Good Neighbor Policy, SLT Public Art Guidelines
City Projects: DTLA 2040, Al Fresco Ordinance, Legacy Business Program, Civic Center Masterplan
Organizing and Neighbors: West Santa Ana Branch
Learn more about past and existing projects in our community project folder.